Ключевые слова:
One of the most urgent issues is the training of personnel who meet all requirements, have a unique style, are knowledgeable in their field, and are proactive in their field. Of course, it is no secret that many campaigns and reforms are being carried out in this regard. Mature personnel guarantee education. This article is about this, that is, about the issue of creativity and its development in future teachers of physical educationАннотация
Bugungi O’zbekistonda barcha talablarga javob beradigan, o’ziga xos uslubga ega bo’lgan va o’z sohasi bo’yicha bilimli, tashabbuskor bo’lgan kadrlarni yetishtirish eng dolzarb masalalardan biridir. Bu borada ko’plab tashviqot ishlari, islohotlar olib borilayotgani hech kimga sir emas, albatta. Yetuk kadrlar ta’limni kafolatlaydi. Mazkur maqolamiz ham aynan shu haqida, ya’ni jismoniy tarbiya fani bo’yicha bo’lajak o’qituvchilardagi kreativlik va uni rivojlantirish masalasi haqida bahs yuritamiz.
Библиографические ссылки
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• E.V. Morozova Jismoniy madaniyat shaxsiyatning umumiy madaniyatining tarkibiy qismi sifatida / E.V. Morozova // Udmurt universiteti axborotnomasi. - 2003. - 10-son.
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